by Carl Kruse
Friend of the Carl Kruse Blog, Rick Minnich will be celebrating the world premiere of his latest film “The President’s Tailor” as part of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin-Brandenburg. The screening takes place at the Bundesplatz Kino in Berlin on June 19th at 20:30.
Blog followers and friends will gather with Rick at the Mexican restaurant “Alcatraz” beginning at 6pm for complimentary appetizers and drinks. The restaurant is located at Bundesplatz 6, right across the theater.
“The Presidents’ Tailor” is a heartwarming story about the Holocaust survivor and star tailor Martin Greenfield, who dressed six US presidents and hundreds of celebrities. The New York Times wrote an extensive tribute to Martin upon his death in March at age 95. The Jewish Journal also ran a cover story about the film.

An additional screening is planned for June 23rd at 5 p.m. at the Bundesplatz Kino.
There will be a Q&A session with Rick after the film for those interested.
Tickets for the film are 9€ and can be reserved at The Carl Kruse Arts Blog has 5 complimentary tickets, preferably earmarked for students and anyone under financial duress, but really available to all on a first come first served basis.
For any questions please write me at
See everyone on June 19 for what should be a wonderful evening.
Carl Kruse
The Carl Kruse Arts Blog Homepage.
Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com
Another Rick Minnich film premiere the blog participated in was for his film the Strait Guys.
The blog’s last event was an exhibition with artist Michael Dyne MIeth in Bertlin and we also sponsored the concert of the Mavericks.
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