Open Studios in Berlin – October 1, 2023

by Carl Kruse

Summer is finished and with most folks back in Berlin the Carl Kruse Arts Blog would like to invite all to an “open studios” afternoon of several visual artists, first and foremost that of our friend Helena Kauppila, who was featured in our last blog post here.

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog  - image of artist

The event takes place Sunday, October 1, 2023, from 1 – 8 pm at Ackerstrasse 81, 13355 Berlin, with several resident artists opening their studios to the public.

However, we will meet at noon that day at Helena’s studio – about one hour before the formal opening — for some coffee, light finger foods, light networking, and a few brief words from Helena about the art at hand.

To access the event ring the buzzer of Studio “Kauppila” 4 O.G. at the building.

Closest S-bahn: Nordbahnhof and Homboldthain.
Tram 10 Gedenkstat Berliner Mauer.
Wheelchair accessible.

Drinks (including coffee) and finger foods for a light brunch will be served.

Participating artists for the building Open Studios: Fritz Balthaus (im Treppenhaus), Alexis Baskind, Herman Baeten, Romuald Etter, Rolf Giegold, Eva Groettum, Ulrike Hansen, Reinhard Haverkamp, Gabriele Herzog, Ruth Hommelsheim, Esther Horn, Roswitha Jacobi (Gast bei Eeva Hauss), Helena Kauppila, Katrin Kersten, Jürgen Reichert, Vincent Tavenne, Ina Weber, Herbert Wiegand

In addition, a variety of music and sound performances by guest artists will take throughout the building.

About Helena Kauppila:
A mathematician turned painter, Helena is fascinated by complexity and emerging systems. While her colorful paintings may appear random and disjointed, there is a systems thinking behind them, often anchored in mathematics. Her work touches on the structure of DNA, mathematical theories, and the human connection to nature and the world around us..

Kauppila resides in Berlin, Germany. She holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Columbia University and is the recipient of the Reginald Marsh and Felicia Meyer Marsh scholarship at the Art Students League of New York. 

For further information please contact Carl Kruse of the Carl Kruse Arts Blog at

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog homepage is at
Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com
We have covered other exhibits such as the Justified + Ancient, Giorgio Morandi, and Yury Kharchenko.
An older blog of Carl Kruse is here.