Justified + Ancient Exhibit

by Carl kruse

Ahoy art friends, especially those in South Florida. A college friend has loaned 16 ancient artifacts from his private collection to pair with 16 works of modern artists in an exhibit called “Justified + Ancient.” In this exhibit, contemporary artists display their work side by side with ancient pieces, dating from 3000 B.C.E to the 19th century, in an exploration of what might make art timeless. The exhibit runs from November 1-17, 2022 at the Mara Art Studio and Gallery, 421 Fifth Street, Suite A, in Sarasota, Florida.

My friend is interested in continuing the exhibit to other galleries, museums or art fairs and I would be super grateful for any contacts or suggestions that could help him continue the exhibit. Reach out at carl AT carlkruse DOT com.

Yours in art,
Carl Kruse
The Carl Kruse Arts Blog homepage is at https://carlkruse.net
Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com
The blog’s last post was Zeus in Olympia.
Other exhibits covered by the blog include those of Yury Kharchenko and Adele Schwab.