Masa Daiko at Samurai Museum in Berlin

by Carl Kruse

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog invites all to a performance of Masa-Daiko, one of the best Japanese drumming groups in Europe, performing traditional Japanese Taiko to take place Saturday, March 8 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Samurai Museum in Berlin.. The eight musicians of Masa-Daiko perform both traditional Japanese pieces and compositions by director Nishimine in an extraordinary way. With enormous power and tension in rhythm and choreography this performance surpasses ordinary concert events, promising true drumming fireworks.

Masa Daiko, founded in 1996, currently consists of 8 players and is under the direction of artist and multi-percussionist Masakazu Nishimine.

With more than 4000 historical artifacts, the Japanese Samurai Museum in Berlin hosts the world’s most important private collection of Samurai art next to Tokyo itself, and the only museum of its kind in Europe. It often hosts events such as this upcoming performance of Masa Daiko.

The homepage of the Carl Kruse Arts Blog is here.
Contact: carl At carlkruse DOT com
The blog’s last post was the announcement of the upcoming vernissage for the multi-artist photography event at NOTAGALLERY`in Berlin called A Room of Her Own.
Also find Carl Kruse on an older blog here.

Vernissage of “A Room of her Own” in Berlin

by Carl Kruse

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog invites all to the vernissage of “A ROOM OF HER OWN,” a group exhibition that takes place at the NOTAGALLERY event space at Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 5, 10785, Berlin on March 8, 2025.

The exhibition brings together female photographers who through their art, focus on the multifaceted narratives of women. Here, women are not passive subjects but compelling agents of change, shaping stories—their own and those of others—with authenticity and power.

The artists challenge male-dominated artistic views that have historically defined visual culture, inviting viewers to reimagine the landscape of contemporary photography. While traditional fine art has historically marginalized the contributions of women, here we see photography emerging as a liberating medium. These artists face the ways women have been constrained by societal expectations, offering instead a vision of empowerment and self-determination.

Rooted in the legacy of second-wave feminism—which sought visibility for women within the art world—this exhibition is a tribute to that struggle. The women behind the camera do not just document, they disrupt. Through their lens, they invite us to engage in the intricate interplay between identity, power and body, discovering the nuanced dimensions of femininity that embrace the intimate and the collective, the individual and the universal.

The artists include Alice Brunello Luise, Anastasia Shik, Anna Morosini, Delfina Carmona, Giorgia Bovo, Liora K, Marina Monaco, Masha Demianova, Monika Kozub aka Berlin Boudoir, and Rebecca Sulzer.

The exhibition is curated by: Matilde Dani.

About NOTAGALLERY: Founded in 2022 by artist Ivan Gette, the space aims to disrupt the traditional and often intimidating white cube gallery model by breaking down established boundaries, offering a place where artists from all disciplines come together to connect with one another.

Through its exhibitions and events, NOTAGALLERY strives to enrich and elevate the cultural landscape, creating a space where diverse perspectives on art, music, fashion, and creativity thrive together.

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog “Ars Lumens” homepage is at
Contact: carl AT carlkruse DOT com
Previous events in Berlin include the Jade Cassidy Exhibit, DANCAE, Tour of the Boros Bunker, and the art brunch with artist Helena Kauppila.
An older Carl Kruse Blog is here.