Breaking the Waves: Women on Film by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Arts Blog It is sincerely difficult to write about love. Attempts to do so are often vapid, overly sentimental, gratuitously flowery, or simply boring. We have all written about love; in letters, poetry, texts, emails, journals – we have all thought
Author: Carl Kruse
The Strait Guys Film at the Global Peace Film Festival
by Carl Kruse Filmmaker and friend of the Carl Kruse Arts Blog, Rick Minnich, cordially invites you to the closing night screening of the documentary film ‘The Strait Guys’ taking place at the Global Peace Film Festival on Saturday, September 23, 2023, 7:30-9:15 PM, at Crummer Auditorium, Rollins College, Fairbanks Ave. & Interlachen Ave., Winter
Open Studios in Berlin – October 1, 2023
by Carl Kruse Summer is finished and with most folks back in Berlin the Carl Kruse Arts Blog would like to invite all to an “open studios” afternoon of several visual artists, first and foremost that of our friend Helena Kauppila, who was featured in our last blog post here. The event takes place Sunday,
Upcoming Helena Kauppila Solo Exhibit in Berlin
By Carl Kruse The Carl Kruse Arts Blog invites all to the vernissage of artist (and blog friend) Helena Kauppila’s solo exhibition titled SYSTEMS SYMPHONY with an opening reception Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 starting at 7 pm in Berlin. For the reception, Kauppila has prepared some remarks reflecting on the blending roles of color, movement,
A Series On Lars Von Trier, Part 1
Part 1: A Brief Discussion of Dogme 95 by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Arts Blog There is a pristineness characterizing the modern film scene. I do not mean a pristineness or cleanliness of character, theme, or narrative, necessarily, but rather of the visual. Films, and other recorded media, have become indescribably high-quality,
Giorgio Morandi and Reflections on Still Life Painting
by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Arts Blog The Estorick Gallery in London is now dedicating four of its rooms to Giorgio Morandi. These are not the grand spaces you find in places like the National Gallery or the Louvre; the gallery is a converted Georgian town house and it is impossible to
Art for Art’s Sake: Noh Theater in the Age of Images
by Hazel Anna Rogers for the Carl Kruse Arts Blog This is a photograph of two women in front of a photograph of couples dancing. You do not know these women. What can we deduce from this image? Many a thing. The old woman is looking at the camera. She knows she is being watched.
Upcoming Charlottenburg Gallery Walk
By Carl Kruse The Carl Kruse Arts Blog invites all to the gallery walk scheduled for June 2-3, 2023 in the Charlottenburg neighborhood in Berlin, Germany. Known as the “Charlotten Walk,” the two days will see more than 40 galleries – from the established to the up-and-coming – open their doors to all. Hours for
A Conversation With Uwe Westphal: The Rise and Destruction of the Jewish Fashion Industry in Berlin
by Carl Kruse A unique phenomenon emerged in the heart of Berlin in the nineteenth century: a creative center for fashion and ready-made clothing. Hundreds of garment companies were established, which manufactured modern wear and developed new designs that were sold throughout Germany, and the world. The industry reached the height of its success in
Art Brut, or Outsider Art.
by Fraser Hibbitt for the Carl Kruse Arts Blog Sometime in the 1940s, the artist Jean Dubuffet coined the term “Art Brut” which roughly translates as “Raw art”; un-cooked and close to the initial mood of creation; or, the closest representation of the individual’s creative urge before the influence of learning. Much of Modernist art